A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal
YA Fantasy
338 pages
Publisher: Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Publication Date: February 2024
Source: Purchased
4.5 ⭐
Arthie Casimir has pulled herself up from the streets to become the owner of a prestigious tea house.
By most accounts, she is a respectable business woman.
However, she also deals in secrets and blackmail, and the tea house operates as an illegal blood house after hours serving vampires.
When Arthie and her found family of loveable misfits must pull off a heist in order to save their home, she is forced to rely on an attractive adversary that may not be trustworthy.
If they can’t all work together to steal from the vampire stronghold, the world they have built may fall apart.
This collection of characters reminded me of Six of Crowsby Leigh Bardugo.
I loved the found family, the action, the romance and can’t wait for the next book!