Legendborn by Tracy Deonn

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn book cover

YA Fantasy

512 pages

Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books

Publication date: September 2020

Source: Purchased


Bree is devastated by her mother’s death and regrets that they argued over the early college program at UNC-Chapel Hill right before she died.

Bree decides to attend the program with her best friend Alice and hopes it will distract her from dealing with her grief.

Her first week into the program, she attends a party and sees something she shouldn’t– a demon attack.

First of all, who knew magic was real? And secondly, now she is involved in a secret society with the descendants of King Arthur.

Bree thinks her mother was involved in this society and she is determined to find out all of its secrets.

Nick, a highly connected member otherwise known as a Legendborn, is determined to help her, but the society’s mage, Selwyn, doesn’t trust her.

As Bree learns more about the Legendborn she must decide if she should join their fight or take them down from the inside.

One of my favorite fantasy series in years, for teens and adults.

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Cozy up with a good read and hope to see you

in the middle of a book,


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