Run by Blake Crouch

Adult Sci-Fi/Fantasy
336 pages
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Publication date: October 22, 2024
Source: Netgalley
Thank you to Netgalley and Ballantine Books for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review below.
Blake Crouch is always a win for me. I recommend Dark Matter and Recursion frequently and was intrigued by Run.
This is a non-stop ride so be prepared when you open to page one. Run is an action-packed thriller that follows a family as they run from the crazed vigilantes who seem to be everywhere.
What happened to these people? Why are they on a killing spree? And will Jack and his family escape or be the next victims? This one kept me up at night!
This is a re-release of as it was first published in 2011. Blake Crouch has become hugely popular. Dark Matter and his Wayward Pines series have been adapted for television and it looks like Recursion will be as well.
As for Run, is it a deep thoughtful look at the world we live in with fully developed characters that will make you cry? No. Is it a whirlwind of action that moves at the speed of light? Yes. If you love a good action/thriller movie this book will be perfect for you.
Plan to start it early in the day because you won’t want to put it down until the ride is over.
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